Papers |
Joe Mambretti, Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, “StarLight: Next-Generation Communication Services, Exchanges, and Global Facilities” (chapter), Advances in Computers, Vol. 80, Marvin V. Zelkowitz (editor), Elsevier, 2010, pp 191 - 207, doi: 10.1016/S0065-2458(10)80005-1 Steve Goldstein, “An [Overly] Simplified Overview of Emerging Networked Computational Technologies,” (.pdf, 1237K), presented at the Emerging Global Technologies Leadership Symposium on Science, Technology, Society Issues in Today’s World, November 1, 2003. This was a distributed Access Grid meeting for 50 high school teachers; participating institutions included the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the NCSA Education, Outreach and Training group at South Research Park in Champaign, Illinois, and The Technology Research, Education, and Commercialization Center (TRECC) in DuPage, Illinois. This Symposium was funded by NSF through the PACI EOT Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) initiative and the Illinois International High School Initiative. Wu-chun Feng, Justin (Gus) Hurwitz, Harvey Newman, Sylvain Ravot, R. Les Cottrell, Olivier Martin, Fabrizio Coccetti, Cheng Jin, Xiaoliang (David) Wei and Steven Low, “Optimizing 10-Gigabit Ethernet for Networks of Workstations, Clusters, and Grids: A Case Study,” (.pdf, 134K), Proceedings of ACM / IEEE SC High-Performance Networking and Computing Conference, November 2003. New International Standard for User Controlled Lightpaths. [News Item posted to CANARIE CA*net 4 Optical Internet program web site] The Y.1312 document is available from the International Telecommunication Union See Bill St. Arnaud’s comments. October 23, 2003. Luc Renambot, Tom van der Schaaf, Henri E. Bal, Desmond Germans, Hans J.W. Spoelder, “Griz: Experience with Remote Visualization over an Optical Grid,” Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Science Press, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, pp. 871-882. Rajvikram Singh, Jason Leigh, Thomas A. DeFanti, Fotis Karayannis, “TeraVision: a High Resolution Graphics Streaming Device for Amplified Collaboration Environments,” Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Science Press, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, pp. 957-972. Eric He, Javid Alimohideen, Josh Eliason, Naveen Krishnaprasad, Jason Leigh, Oliver Yu, Thomas A. DeFanti, “Quanta: A Toolkit for High Performance Data Delivery over Photonic Networks,” Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Science Press, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, pp. 919-934. Shalini Venkataraman, Jason Leigh, Tom Coffin, “Kites Flying In and Out of Space - Distributed Physically-based Art on the GRID,” Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Science Press, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, pp. 973-982. Charles Zhang, Jason Leigh, Thomas A. DeFanti, Marco Mazzucco, Robert Grossman, “TeraScope: Distributed Visual Data Mining of Terascale Data Sets Over Photonic Networks,” Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Science Press, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, pp. 935-944. Robert L. Grossman, Yunhong Gu, Don Hamelburg, Dave Hanley, Xinwei Hong, Jorge Levera, Dave Lillethun, Marco Mazzucco, Joe Mambretti, Jeremy Weinberger, “Experimental Studies Using Photonic Data Services at iGrid 2002,” Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Science Press, Volume 19, Issue 6, August 2003, pp. 945-956. Thomas A. DeFanti, Maxine D. Brown, Jason Leigh, Oliver Yu, Eric He, Joe Mambretti, Dave Lillethun, Jeremy Weinberger, “Optical Switching Middleware for the OptIPuter,” Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Transactions on Communications (special issue on Photonic IP Network Technologies for Next Generation Broadband Access), Japan, Volume E86-B, No. 8, August 2003, pp. 2263-2272. Thomas A. DeFanti, Jason Leigh, Maxine D. Brown, Daniel J. Sandin, Oliver Yu, Chong Zhang, Rajvikram Singh, Eric He, Javid Alimohideen, Naveen K. Krishnaprasad, Robert Grossman, Marco Mazzucco, Larry Smarr, Mark Ellisman, Phil Papadopoulos, Andrew Chien, John Orcutt, “Teleimmersion and Visualization with the OptIPuter,” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2002), The University of Tokyo, Japan, December 3-6, 2002, Ohmsha / IOS Press. Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Kyoung Park, Atul Nayak, Rajvikram Singh, Vikas Chowdhry, Thomas A. DeFanti, “Amplified Collaboration Environments,” VizGrid Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, November 2002. Eric He, Jason Leigh, Oliver Yu, Thomas A. DeFanti, “Reliable Blast UDP : Predictable High Performance Bulk Data Transfer,” (.pdf, 235K), IEEE Cluster Computing 2002, Chicago, Illinois, September 2002. F. Masetti, D. Zriny, D. Verchere, J. Blanton, T. Kim, J. Talley, D. Chiaroni, A. Jourdan, J.-C. Jacquinot, C. Coeurjolly, P. Poignant, M.Renaud, G. Eilenberger, S. Bunse, W. Latenschleager, J. Wolde, U. Bilgak, “Design and Implementation of a Multi-Terabit Optical Burst / Packet Router Prototype”, (.pdf, 233K), Alcatel Research & Innovation, 2002. Also appears in conference proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2002, Anaheim, CA, March 17-22. J. Leigh, J. Girado, R. Singh, A. Johnson, K. Park, T.A. DeFanti, “TeraVision: A Platform and Software Independent Solution for Real Time Display Distribution in Advanced Collaborative Environments”, (.pdf, 302K) Proceedings of the Access Grid Retreat, La Jolla, California, March 4-5, 2002. R. Katz, et. al., The SAHARA Project: A Revolutionary Service Architecture for Future Telecommunication System, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley, 2001. J. E. van der Merwe, S. Rooney, I. Leslie and S. Crosby, The Tempest - A Practical Framework for Network Programmability, University of Cambridge, 1998. Also appears in IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 3, June 1998. |