Symposium - GLIF-Specific Presentations

GLIF Update

Kees Neggers, SURFnet, The Netherlands, kees.neggers @ (ppt 3.7MB), 43:28

“Lambda networking for research” is only four years young with the first real demo of its potential presented at iGrid 2002 in Amsterdam. Since the beginning, international lambda pioneers have been meeting annually. In 2003, at the third LambdaGrid Workshop in Reykjavik, Iceland, it was agreed to continue this cooperation under the name GLIF, the Global Lambda Integrated Facility. Already today, hybrid networking is rapidly moving from pioneering to mainstream. This session provides an update of the international cooperation and collaboration that has occurred to date, including a status report from the GLIF Governance and Growth (GOV) Working Group, which is responsible for identifying future goals in terms of lambdas, connections and applications support, and for deciding what cross-domain policies need to be put in place.

Building GLIF with Open Exchanges

Cees de Laat, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, delaat @ (ppt 12.5MB)

A growing number of optical and lambda exchanges are being built; however, no systematic description exists of which technologies must be in place to assure the interconnectivity and interoperability of network links among sites. This presentation summarizes recent developments in control models and architectures for multi-layer, or hybrid, networks, and then attempts to classify interconnection points, primarily by enumerating the properties of various control planes. Three control models are defined: autonomous, federated, and distributed. Also discussed is when it is appropriate to apply the adjectives “open” and “automated” to the control models.

GLIF Control Plane and Grid Integration Middleware Working Group

Gigi Karmous-Edwards, MCNC Grid Computing and Network Services, USA, gigi @

The overall mission and future challenges of the GLIF Control Plane and Grid Integration Middleware Working Group are presented. This update includes a short survey of existing global activities in this area, followed by why these activities are important to the GLIF community.

GLIF Technical Issues Working Group

Erik-Jan Bos, SURFnet, The Netherlands, erik-jan.bos @
René Hatem, CANARIE, Canada, rene.hatem @ (ppt 0.6MB)

The GLIF Technical Issues Working Group is responsible for the design and implementation of an international LambdaGrid infrastructure, identifying what equipment colleagues are using, what connection requirements are needed, and what engineering functions and services should be provided. One major outcome is the design of Open Exchanges to ensure interconnectivity and interoperability. This session provides an update of these efforts to date.