Symposium - Master Classes
Optical Control Plane
Gigi Karmous-Edwards, MCNC Grid Computing and Network Services, USA, gigi @
Admela Jukan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, jukan @, 54:53
This Master Class explains what a “control plane” is and why is it important to the GLIF community. Specifically, the GLIF community is trying to address various application grid challenges such as: dynamic use of end-to-end optical networking resources; global transfers of large datasets (terabytes and petabytes) across long distances; coordination of network and grid resources, such as CPU and storage; the ability to make reservations for networking resources; deterministic end-to-end connections (low jitter, low latency); time scales of a few micro-seconds to longer-term wavelengths; and, near-real-time feedback of network performance measurements to the applications and grid middleware.
To meet these challenges, the optical networking community, in conjunction with the grid community, has to rethink intelligent optical control planes for future grid computing. The goal is to raise attendee awareness of new developments in the area of optical control planes and grid infrastructure that address current research activities, and to provide visionary scenarios for future grid computing combined with optical networking technologies.
Service-Oriented Infrastructure
Carl Kesselman, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, USA, carl @
Robert Schuler, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, USA, schuler @ (pdf 1.3MB)
This Master Class gives an overview of Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4) and its use for developing service-oriented technologies.
René Hatem, CANARIE, Canada, rene.hatem @ (ppt 0.6MB)
Mathieu Lemay, Communications Research Centre, Canada, mlemay @
Eduard Grasa, i2CAT, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, eduard.grasa @
Hervé Guy, CANARIE, Canada, herve @
Jun Jian, CANARIE, Canada, jun @
The User Controlled LightPaths or UCLP was originally developed as a critical component of Canada’s CA*net 4 advanced network program with the software being developed by teams at CRC / Ottawa University, Waterloo University and University Quebec à Montreal. UCLP allows end users to setup end-to-end lightpaths and change the configuration and topology of lightpaths or optical VPNs without the involvement of a central network management facility. UCLP development is becoming an international initiative with software developers and researchers in Taiwan, Korea, Spain, Netherlands and the USA participating.
In this Master Class, attendees are briefly introduced to the Version-1 release of UCLP, along with examples of how UCLP is currently deployed and used on advanced networks around the world, particularly CA*net 4. UCLP (version 2) is then discussed, and how it extends the concept of lightpaths defined by UCLPv1 to Articulated Private Networks (APNs), enabling users to take control of their own APNs. Attendees are encouraged to visit the iGrid demonstration area to see UCLP firsthand, as users from Canada, Korea, Taiwan and Spain dynamically configure lightpaths for end-to-end connections from grid application resources located worldwide to the iGrid demonstration floor.