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Advanced Networking Infrastructure & Research
Emblem Sub Level Logo Global Telescience Featuring IPv6
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NCMIR, in collaboration with Osaka University and NCHC, is demonstrating a real scientific application utilizing native IPv6 and a mixture of high bandwidth and low latency. This demonstration features a network-enabled end-to-end system for 3D electron tomography that utilizes richly connected resources to remotely control the intermediate-high-voltage electron microscope in San Diego and the ultra-high-voltage electron microscope in Osaka. To provide the highest possible video quality, the Telescience system features digital video over native IPv6 networks.

At iGrid, researchers use high-quality low-latency digital video to navigate around a specimen in a microscope. In addition, data is transferred to and from distributed storage resources, intensive distributed computational jobs are completed, and data-intensive visualizations are performed - all utilizing a Global Grid composed of heterogeneous resources located at: NCMIR, San Diego Supercomputer Center, NASA Ames’ Information Power Grid (USA); NCHC (Taiwan); and, Osaka University (Japan).

Acknowledgment: This work is supported in part by grants from the USA National Science Foundation (#DBI-9318180 and ASC-975249) and the USA National Institutes of Health (RR 04050 and DC 03192). Also acknowledged is the Globus Project.

Mark Ellisman
National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR), University of California at San Diego (UCSD), USA

Mark Ellisman, Steven Peltier, David Lee, Abel W. Lin, Maryann Martone, NCMIR, UCSD, USA
Tom Hutton, San Diego Supercomputer Center UCSD, USA
Fang-Pang Lin, National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC), Taiwan
Shimojo Shinji, Toyokazu Akiyama, Cybermedia Center Osaka University, Japan
Hirotaro Mori, Research Center for Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscopy Osaka University, Japan
